Grace is one of the most enigmatic concepts of our Faith. Yet it is uniquely and wonderfully woven into all that we do and believe as Catholics. In these pages, Fr. Brian Mullady provides one of the clearest and most luminous explanations of grace ever written, employing the same “everyday Catholic” language that has made him so popular as an EWTN guest and retreat master.
God created Adam and Even to walk and talk in intimacy with Him in the garden. Our highest calling is to return to that state of perfect holiness, which we can achieve only by relying on God’s sanctifying grace.
Perfect holiness is not only possible but essential if we wish to achieve eternal life. That’s why Fr. Mullady has written this accessible and practical guide — to help you understand how grace is working in your life presently and to teach you how to seize all theunclaimedgraces God is offering you throughout each day.
You’ll learn how the action of the Holy Spirit comes fromwithinthe very character of your being and how to improve your openness to each of the three types of grace. You’ll explore the time-tested methods for practicing the three counsels of perfection and how to employ remedies against the three great weaknesses of our nature.
You’ll also learn:
How grace perfects — and does not destroy nature
Precisely what you must do to make yourself more open to grace
The three types of grace and how to magnify them
Why God uses mediators of grace even though He is the source of grace
Why God expanded the Israelites’ knowledge of right and wrong (and thus their culpability) but did not communicate grace to them
Two theological errors that most people of good will mistakenly believe
The three states of nature on which even the workings of God depend
How grace operates in our daily livesto bring us closer to each person of the Trinity
Intimacy with God is man’s highest calling. We can achieve it by relying on God’s sanctifying grace, which gives us the fullness of life and makes us holy. Accessing the graces we’ve been overlooking is how we discover what it means to be truly human, for, though we all possess natural life, it is only through grace that man isfully alive.